
This is one of the most richest section with many variations to share more details of your story. It uses a special grid system by setting custom width and height.

Image with text

You can add text content or image, video or a product collection.

Image comparison

You can add 2 different images that appears with a slider that allows the user to see before after images.

Price list

In price list you must select a product you want to display the price of.


With the sliders Variant and Option you can select which price you want to display exactly. 


  • Features: Every features needs a line brake (press Enter) to separate them.


  • Icons: If you want to show an X or a Check icon simply use FALSE or TRUE in different lines



Price list heading

This block must be connected with the Price list blocks. Every rows has its header to make a cleaner visibility for the features you offer.



You can create a counter on your site that count down or up

  • Count down: This is a timer that shows how many days you is left to make a product available
  • Count up: This is a counter that counts from 0 to X to show e.g. how many subscriber you have or how many product you sold.


You can add a photo and redirect customers to a custom url

Announcement bar

This is an animated custom text block with different speed.


Upcoming event

You can set up custom dates that redirect to your product or an event's URL. You can also add dates in metafields in your product editor and display it here if you use your product as an event.


You can highlight your menu in this block




You can display a music player in this block.

  1. Upload music content by going to Content > Files
  2. Then click Upload files
  3. When its uploaded click on Copy link
  4. Paste the URL in Audio link input

Note: make sure you uploaded an .mp3 file as your music!



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