
The header is a global section available on all pages of the theme.

Our theme automatically creates a multi-column called "mega-menu" dropdown for your navigation wherever your navigation includes at least two levels of links.

  1. Go to Online Store > Navigation and click Add menu

  2. Drag and drop your menu item into another one to create a sub-level!


You can add two different style of the logo of your site. 

  • Logo: This is the normal logo image
  • White logo: this appear if you use inverse text color in the setup


This product will appear in the mega menu


This bar will appear above the header with different options

  • Language selector: If you use different selectors enable this
  • Currency: You can show currency selector on the top of your site
  • Social icons: You need to set up social icons in Theme settings > Social media


Cart drawer

If you need a cart drawer this block is needed. If this is not added the cart icon will lead the customers to the cart page.


If you want predictive search function in your site this block is needed.


Trust badges

You can add multiple images to gain more trust on your site. These images will appear on your toolbar




If you use different brand names under one umbrella site you can separate the products and collections with this. These brand logos will appear in the toolbar
